Friday, 16 November 2018

rippa rugby 2018

This week me and Jake were making a thing about  rip pa rugby and telling you about the rip pa tournament  we did and some information about the rules and once we were finished some people were going to put it into the magazine we are working on.

problem solving

Walt: solve the maths  problems  using place value and basic facts

i like this activity i find it fun and i would enjoy doing it again 

lets see if you can solve one of my problems in a different stratagey

titanic writing

we have been working on our titanic report and this is what I have done it was realy fun hope you enjoy


this term for the last eight weeks we have been working on health such as spiracle  well being and self being and here is one of the things that i did i think it was fun because we got to draw our things like what makes you spiracle well being and i just drew clouds and for self well being i drew a pitcher of rugby and running and games and for soshil well being i drew music because i like to listen to music in my spear time

Friday, 7 September 2018

bad guys

this week we have a task to read a book and study on it and i chose to read bad guys it was fun and won of my activaties was to draw a scene of a part in the book and i chose a boxing part it was him thinking of being a professional boxer with abs so that what i have been doing hop you enjoyed

Friday, 24 August 2018

Descriptive Writing

This week for literary Mrs Clark gave us a picture of a creepy hallway with a chair in the
middle of the room and we had to write a descriptive story using verbs, nouns, adverbs
and adjectives. We had to make the story so our reader could imagine the picture.
I really enjoyed doing this activity because it was really fun picture to write about
considering it was school work.

WALT:  Use precise adjectives in our writing to add interest to our readers










One sunny day me and my brother went on a long breath

taking  walk.As we walked far in we see a old house my brother

quietly whispered in my ear and said lets go i agreed but it

started pouring down with rain. Home was way too far away so

i said let's stay so we quickly ran towards the house it looked

like it had been abandoned!! for years we tried knocking but it

was dead silent.we looked around looking for ways to get in  and

as we were about to give up we see a window but it was closed

so we quickly grabbed a old rotten wood and angrly smashed!!

the window and hoped in side and we hear something loudly

coming towards us and it was a mouse and he said scaredy

cat meaningly and then we hear something else it was louder

and you can hear it thumping down on the old creaking wood  

so we hide and it's a zombie that's right a angry hungry zombie

that looks like it hasn't eaten in years so we frighteningly!!! hide

with fear and my brother says what do we do i was so frightened

i couldn't say a thing.I look for something to defend myself with

but then i see a eye pop up between the old cracked open wood

and i scream ferociously!! and we run and i look back he's gone

so i look back again and bang there he is and then i wake up

and find out its a dream and we open the curtain and it's a bright

sunny day and me and my brother go on a long walk and as we

walked far in we see a house and i scream and run away as fast

as i can dun dun duuuuuuun!!!!! the end.

Self assess

I think I have done good because I have included all my adverbs nouns verbs and adverbs. I think next I could work on making it have more exclamation marks and make it more interesting.

Peer assessment

I like how you use great descriptive vocabulary because it painted an amazing picture in my head. For example old creaking wood
Also in the story your example how the crates fell and angrily smashed!!

Next time you could make sure you use capitals letters for example you need to use a capital I for the story and at the start of the story.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Descriptive writing

This week for literary Mrs Clark gave us a picture of two
boats and we had to write a disruptive story using verbs
nouns adverbs and additives and make a story about the
pitcher .I really enjoyed doing this activity it was really
fun considering it was school work.

WALT:  Use precise adjectives in our writing to add interest to our  readers


My paragraph

One horrible day it was world war one with ships all around broken
abandoned with planes crashing loudly. Your lucky if you even made it to
land one day it  is loud and the next it's dead silent with people rotting  and
it's only been a week and while you walk thro the forest you can hear the dead
whispering telling you to run hide And most commonly !!! LEAV !!!  grand dad
is this all true yes do you know who the that was in the story who ME the END.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

descriptive writing

this week we have been working on our descriptive writing it was fun and as you can see here this is the descriptive writing i did if you can see or read it hope you liked it.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

camp 2018

this is my friend marly when he  dresses up for Halloween um wait that is just him

this is my friend Jake when he has a sugar  rush

this is me pretending to punch my friend ryka

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Place Value Problem Solving

WALT: Write place value problems for others to solve.
Hi, this is what we did for our maths task. It was fun because we had to give people clues to figure out our number. Try and see if you can figure out my number.  Comment below.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Metaphor Poem

Hi this is when we did our metaphor poems about ourselves. It was really fun like for example I am cheetah because I am fast 
I really enjoyed it and I bet you would too as some of the things in here are really cool.

Friday, 2 March 2018

nikau palm tree 2018

The nikau palm tree is a native to new Zealand
It is a faded green looking colour and has pointed leaves and it is tall and bumpy